Why there is a need to use a donor egg
There is a wide range of reasons why a woman may be incapable of utilizing her own eggs to conceive. Egg donation typically involves extracting an egg from the donor and fertilizing it before implanting it in the recipient. A few of the reasons women rely on donor egg include factors such as-
- Over the age of 45
- Premature menopause
- Nonfunctioning ovaries due to disease or genetics
- Diminished ovarian reserve
- Premature ovarian failure
- Infertility due to poor egg quality
- History of recurrent pregnancy loss due to chromomal or genetic defects
The team at Kiran Infertility Centre – Chennai can run several tests to help guide your decision about using an egg donor, including tests to determine ovarian reserve, which is the number and quality of eggs in the ovaries.
For more details visit:
contact us: 9677061668/9908392452
mail us: info@kicchennai.com
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