A testicular biopsy is usually performed in two ways according to the doctors of Kiran Infertility Centre – Chennai that include- Percutaneous testicular biopsy In this procedure, a needle is inserted through the scrotal skin into the testis and …
A testicular biopsy is usually performed in two ways according to the doctors of Kiran Infertility Centre – Chennai that include- Percutaneous testicular biopsy In this procedure, a needle is inserted through the scrotal skin into the testis and …
Bollywood has started working on some less discussed topics and trying to clear the misconception in the masses about the same. The latest Bollywood movie Mimi which depicts compensated surrogacy in a funny casual way is a classic example. The …
At KIC Chennai all our embryo transfers are at Blastocyst stage as it helps in increasing the chances of pregnancy and reducing the abnormality. To know more about this and to avail this service visit: https://kicchennai.com/blastocyst-transfer-in-chennai/ call us : +91-9677061668/9908392452 …
Couples who are trying to conceive have a big question about the odds of getting pregnant and expect success in few months. The majority of couples assume that the odds of conceiving are higher than they expect and will get …
One of the most common assisted reproductive methods that can help a couple realize their family dream is IVF/in vitro fertilization and commonly known as test tube baby. Here is a list of things a couple undergoing IVF should know …
The body of a woman goes through many changes during IVF care and it can be stressful to successfully balance work life. It is very important in such situations that the woman should have a good understanding of the essence …
A fully Hatched Blastocyst !! A hatching blastocyst is a developing embryo (at around five days after fertilization) that is hatching out of its protective coating, called as the zona pellucida. These group of hatched cells which, once free from …
Welcome Twins !! Congratulations to Mrs and Mr HM from Hyderabad on the birth of their Twin Girl’s. We at KIC – Chennai feel proud that our KIC branch at Hyderabad is successfully carrying out IVF and surrogacy programs. We …
For any couple, becoming a parent is a different experience, which cannot be described in words. Science has made so much progress that in today’s time, if a couple is not having a child, then many options for giving birth …
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