best surrogacy centre in chennai

Most women who have undergone multiple IVF treatment failures find themselves losing all hope of having a child.

However, if you have undergone several IVF treatments without the desired results, then you can definitely consider IVF with oocyte donor and or surrogacy as a viable option.

In surrogacy, you can have another woman bear the child for you and you can become the legal mother after the birth of the baby.

Gestational surrogacy is the most common type of Surrogacy- In gestational surrogacy, the gestational carrier or surrogate carries an embryo which is developed in the lab using IVF technology. This means that the carrier is not genetically related to the child. The egg is collected from the intended mother or oocyte donor and Sperm from the father to create the embryo.

At Kiran Infertility Center Chennai our legal team take care of all legal procedures. In order to know more about surrogacy, you should consult the fertility doctors at KIC Chennai for the best results.

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