What is the main difference between IUI and IVF treatment methods

What is the main difference between IUI and IVF treatment methods? 

There are more differences between IUI and IVF than similarities, but the biggest difference is that sperm is injected directly into a woman’s uterus during IUI. In case, fertilization is successful, the embryo implants there as well. With IVF, fertilization occurs externally or outside the uterus in a lab.

The sperm and egg are combined for fertilization and after the process; one or more of these successfully fertilized embryo would be placed in the woman’s uterus. Ideally, the fertilized egg would then implant in the lining of the uterus, resulting in pregnancy and delivery of a full-term baby or babies.

Kiran infertility center Chennai works with each patient to create in-depth, personalized treatment plans. We adhere to an integrative practice, prioritizing getting to the root of the problem.


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