HSG or Hysterosalpingogram is one of the important test to diagnose cause of infertility in women. So today we discuss the procedure followed in HSG at Kiran infertility Centre Chennai-


  • A speculum is inserted into the patient’s vagina to perform a simple female infertility evaluation.
  • A radiologist will then guide a small catheter through the cervix and into the uterus.
  • The radiologist then injects a special dye that can be detected by X-ray through the catheter. If there is no blockage, the dye will enter the uterus and fallopian tubes.
  • An X-ray machine mounted above the woman’s abdomen captures images of the dye as it moves through her body. One of the doctors then examines the images to determine the shape and structure of the uterus, the openness of the fallopian tubes, and the presence of scarring if any
  • Your doctor will talk about the results and then discuss the treatment plan.

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